TheWorkIngCIi5S0T InCCOmple mmachine sA7, and thermal - protective coating is added at the bottom of the main girder .
BriefIntroduction ofQDY serIes bridge foundry Crane :
0rI0gG Toundry Crane With hook is mainly used at the place where the molten mctal is lifted .
The basic parameters ( rated lifting weight , lifting height and span , etc .) of the crane shall be described clearly when the user orden
The assembling and testoftneCraIc9OnrOrm hcdocument No .JBT20077375which was issued bv General Administration ofOuality SuperVisIOn , Inspection andudrntnc or the FeoplesKepublic ofChin ,
QDY5T铸造桥式起重机行车重量 14960 17141 18784 22060 24779 30897 34897 38741
QDY5T铸造桥式起重机对应跨度 10.5m 13.5m 16.5m 19.5m 22.5m 25.5m 28.5m 31.5m
欢迎来到河南省大方重型机器有限公司网站, 具体地址是河南省新乡长垣县河南省新乡市长垣县恼里工业区,老板是刘紫军。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。